Thursday, January 12, 2012

So, Mitt Romney and Rick (Don't Google My Name) Santorum support my being equal but, they don't support my being equal.

As an out gay man, I have a vested stake in the direction of equality of Americans. Let me just say here and now that when I say the equality of Americans, I believe in true equality for ALL Americans. That means that if a straight man can marry a woman and be granted certain rights, privileges and protections  under federal law than so be it but, you damn sure better offer the same to two gay men or two lesbian women. If a Christian preacher has the right to build a mega church than a Buddhist, Muslim, Mormon or a member of the Jewish faith has the same right to build there temples. If I have a right to say what I want and publish what I want than, that same right damn sure better be afforded to people like the Westburro Baptist Church. That's what equality is.

But it seems to me that members of the Republican party have a much different opinion of what equality is, as made evident by the statements of Mitt Romney and Rick (Don't Google My Name) Santorum in the video above.  After watching this video the question that begs to be asked, at least in my mind is this; Just how stupid do these men think the American people are? Now I know that a large percentage of there base are avid Fox News viewers who believe everything Fox News hosts like Bill O'Riley and the ilk put out there is the gospel truth and when Fox News gets caught lying or making up news stories that simply aren't true, these defend Fox and will tell you that it's the "Lamesteam Media" trying to suppress the truth but damned if I didn't think America as a whole were a hell of a lot smarter than these political buffoons give us credit for.

Just so that there is absolutely no  confusion as to what equality is, I'm going to tell you how the dictionary defines the word equality;

1. a statement that two quantities are equal; equation.
2. uniform character, as of motion or surface.
3. the state or quality of being equal.

Now, lets think about this for a moment. You have two men who claim that they support equality and equal rights for the GLBT community yet, they oppose giving members of that community the right to marry each other, rights to adopt a child and passing legislation that says an employer can not discriminate against some one who is Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender. How is that supporting equality? Quite simply, it's not, there answers to the question were nothing more than a farce.

As far as Romney saying that when he was governor he appointed a gay man to his cabinet to support his claim to being a voice for the GLBT community within the Republican party and to bolster his false claim of being a support of equality, this is tantamount to an officer of the local branch of the KKK saying "Shit I aint no damn racist, I gots me plenty of black friends.".

This has been The Rainbow Patriot, signing off for now. 

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